
This time, we’ll begin with a look at an interesting and extraordinarily powerful word.


:..is one of the most powerful words in the English Language. Used wisely it can empower, enlighten and inspire. Used UNwisely (as it almost always is) it can obstruct even attempting to find success of any sort and will quite often render a good idea totally sterile.

Consider this:

“I’d love to learn to drive… but… I’m frightened of the traffic.”

There are two distinct statements there, and the first one, the idea of learning to drive, has been completely stopped by the second, the observation of being frightened. The last statement that has been made is that there is fear in the psyche/ which will stop the rest of the idea from taking root in the mind. So let’s change things round a bit:

“I’m frightened of the traffic… but… I’m going to learn to drive!”

Now, that’s totally different; the negative part of the equation has now been completely overwhelmed by the object of it. The last thing that has been said – and that’s what the subconscious will work with – is that the objective will be completed. It’s inspiring and empowering. Of course, we didn’t just change the order of the statements – it was necessary to change “I would love to…” to “I am going to…” and that’s part of the power of this sort of work; it help us to produce a ‘will do’ statement, thus focussing the energies onto achievement, rather than on stagnation.

So it’s easy to use BUT in a very powerful way, but using the power FOR you rather than against you! Consider the following pairs of statements and see how it changes things when you reverse the order. Be sure to change the language so that you finish with a positive ‘will do’ statement.

“I’d like to meet more people… but… I’m uneasy in new situations.”

“I’d like to see about changing my job… but… my partner doesn’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I should really do some exercise… but… I get tired very easily.”

“I want to learn to … but… I haven’t a clue where to start.”

Once again, make sure that the second statement has a ‘will do’ quality about it. You might find it difficult… but… it will help you to succeed!