Hypnotherapy Testimonials

Life’s a Journey

If Life’s a Journey, do you know where you’re heading?

Sounds a bit twee and definitely overused but like it or not life IS a journey. And from the minute we’re born we are in pursuit of happiness. Looking for happiness is a basic human motivation. Did you know we are born with two basic instincts: a revulsion of sorrow and a craving for joy. Sound about right?

Joy and sorrow are subjective experiences, by that I mean they are something that we all feel differently to varying degrees in different situations depending on our previous experience and current view of the world. Not easy to measure then? So why do we try to assess these feelings by measuring what we own, how successful we are and our standing within our communities? It is not surprising that measuring these things doesn’t quite hit the mark when we are thinking about feelings.

There is a distinct and clear relationship between our state of mind and the joy or sorrow we experience. If we are unsettled, agitated or anxious our ability to experience sorrow is enhanced. Feeling relaxed and at ease improves our outlook and helps us to feel joy.

If we buy into the view that:

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking it makes it so”
– William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Then there is a real need to take time to look after our state of mind by taking time to relax, reflect and repair.

Using hypnosis to enhance relaxation skills can assist you to take the time to explore and reflect on your current view of life and in partnership with your hypnotherapist you can make the changes you want to the way you think act and behave.

One of my clients recently gave me a lovely piece of wall art saying “life’s a journey”, I struggled for weeks trying to decide where to put it. I decided that “life” (for short) should not be constrained to living its life secured to a wall, so on 3rd of June 2014 it began its own journey.

After a short photo shoot in and around the therapy rooms in Aylestone, Leicester it headed out into the big wide world. I’ll keep you posted on its travels…