Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can feel as though they’re occurring spontaneously, without any thought or trigger behind them.  It is important to note you very rarely experience a pure feeling without any thought triggering those emotions.  We can help identify and change those thoughts, which add to your disturbed feelings.  During hypnotherapy we can deal with the emotional aspect so you begin to relate feelings of relaxation to those times where you used to feel anxious.

When you experience a panic attack, it’s because it is due to a natural response of fight or flight.  Whenever you are in a new environment or sense any danger, the emotional part of our brain kicks in.  It’s primary objective is to keep us safe, which is perfectly fine and normal for us, but when you relate those feelings to situations such as giving  presentation or going to see the dentist, it is working falsely and irrationally.  During hypnotherapy we can quickly eliminate this response.

When you have been dealing with panic attacks for so long, you can develop what is called a secondary disturbance, this is when you experience anxiety about anxiety, which contributes to those intense feelings.  If you are worried about the potential of having a panic attack you increase its power.  We help prepare for this by learning what the triggers are that cause those initial thoughts and feelings, we work at reducing those responses.

Symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Shaking
  • Feeling disorientated
  • Nausea
  • Rapid, irregular heartbeats
  • Dry mouth,
  • Breathlessness
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting




How our programmes are delivered

A specific plan is tailored to each person by one of our therapists, to help them achieve their goals and to prepare for any issues along the way.

We easily identify any issues by using evidence based procedures to help assess and build a strategic plan for success.  Case formulation (understanding of issues) is a very important part of any successful therapy.  “A problem well defined is a problem halved”.

We focus on three main aspects that are required by any therapist,

  • Bond of trust between therapist and client;
  • Agreement on therapy goals;
  • Agreement on therapy tasks.

The initial session will start with an introduction to dispel any concerns or misconceptions you have may about hypnotherapy.

Relevant questions will be asked so we can get a better understanding of what your main issue is, and if there are any other contributing stresses.

If there any obstacles getting in the way of you achieving your goals, we will work together to design a flexible plan to prepare for any setbacks so you can stay on track.

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