So what do you want?

If you want to achieve your wishes and desires, it’s important that you learn how to think in terms of what it is that you want, rather than what you DO NOT want. Yes, an understanding of what you don’t want to happen will help you avoid pitfalls from time to time, but it will not help you discover success.

Now, it may well be that you’ve read something like this before; after all, it’s advice that is given in just every self-help book and magazine article.

But I’m not talking about that.

I’m talking about your ENTIRE thought processes working automatically in positive format for every waking moment, not just when you’re doing affirmations, or using a focussing routine like the one shown above. For some people, there is an almost invisible automatically NEGATIVE process going on; these individuals will, without noticing it or thinking it unusual, focus on what IS NOT, rather than what IS.

Consider these statements:

“It’s not very warm today…”

“There’s no way this can work! ”

“I’ve got hardly any xxxxxx…”

“I don’t want to look like an idiot…”

“I don’t want to say the wrong thing…”

“I wish you wouldn’t xxxxxx…”

All of these statements, and others like them, are looking at what is not; they are static statements, in that they encourage no change and/or impart no detailed information. There is a Buddhist principle that we become what we think; so think negative and you will become negative.

Now look at these:

“It’s cold today.”

“We have to find a different way to do this!”

“I must get some more xxxxxx.”

“I want to look as if I know what I’m doing.”

“I want to find the right words.”

“I wish you would yyyyyy instead of xxxxxx.”

Now you can see the difference – all of these make a detailed statement and/or encourage change.

Practice living the whole of your life with positive processes – it’s difficult when you begin and you’ll often catch yourself out, but in no time at all you’ll discover that you start to have a far more positive outlook on life generally.

Think positive and you will become positive!