Unwanted Habits

Habits can feel hard to break but that’s only because they have become so automatic overtime, this does not mean you can’t change them.  40% of our day is made up from habit and hypnotherapy has been proven to be very effective with changing a habit, with more success if we change the existing bad habit for a healthier alternative.

How do we define a bad habit?  It’s a behaviour that impacts your life to a point of compulsion, which is detrimental to your well being.  Originally, a habit may have occurred as a coping mechanism, for example, a time of stress which may have been useful but now through repetition you have developed an “empty habit”.  A common example of this is when people start smoking, they may start the habit to fit into a group, but as they get older, they realise the way of thinking is no longer needed, yet the habit remains.

You may view your habit as a part of your identity and that you have learned to associate it as being a fundamental part of your being.  This can lead to thinking such as “I know this is bad but it’s my bad habit”.  This type of thinking is why you feel so compelled to keeping it.




So what are some examples of bad habits?

Some of these are also related to anxiety and depression, the list is endless.


How our programmes are delivered

A specific plan is tailored to each person by one of our therapists, to help them achieve their goals and to prepare for any issues along the way.

We easily identify any issues by using evidence based procedures to help assess and build a strategic plan for success.  Case formulation (understanding of issues) is a very important part of any successful therapy.  “A problem well defined is a problem halved”.

We focus on three main aspects that are required by any therapist,

  • Bond of trust between therapist and client;
  • Agreement on therapy goals;
  • Agreement on therapy tasks.

The initial session will start with an introduction to dispel any concerns or misconceptions you have may about hypnotherapy.

Relevant questions will be asked so we can get a better understanding of what your main issue is, and if there are any other contributing stresses.

If there any obstacles getting in the way of you achieving your goals, we will work together to design a flexible plan to prepare for any setbacks so you can stay on track.